Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Get in Touch

Please direct all initial queries to Miss Jodie Browne or Mrs Natalia O'Reilly (Office staff)

Bracken Edge Primary School
Newton Road, Leeds,
West Yorkshire LS7 4HE
Telephone: 0113 262 3335


Headteacher - Miss Caroline Carr 

Deputy Head and SENco - Mrs Jane Griffiths

School Office Managers - Miss Jodie Browne & Mrs Laura Hamilton-Walker


For all email enquiries please contact:

School Communications

In school we use Teachers2Parents to stay in touch with parents/carers.

In the classrooms, teachers use Class Dojo to update parents/carers on what is going on in their child's class.

For school dinner and school trip payments we use ParentPay.

Please speak to a member of the office team or your child's teacher if you need log in details for either of these websites.

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