Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Reception (Fox Class and Hedgehog Class)


Our Reception team:

Mrs Garratt (Phase Leader and Teacher Fox Class)

Mrs Hall (Teacher Hedgehog Class)

Mrs Ali - Classroom Support

Miss Rai - Classroom Support

Mrs Shah - Classroom Support

Mrs Hussain - Classroom Support

Most recent planning 2024/25


 Autumn 1 knowledge organiser.docxDownload
 Autumn 2 knowledge organiser 24.docxDownload
 BEPS LTP and skills progression 24-25 Reception.docxDownload
 Spring 1 knowledge organiser 25.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Our handbook tells you everything you need to know about starting Reception.



What learning looks like in Reception

Like the rest of school, it is always a busy day in Reception. From the moment the children enter school it's 'go', with various activities to start the day. The children experience a balanced education of explorative play, teacher taught learning and accompanying follow up activities. This can be in the form of discrete lessons, play based activities and extended shared thinking. All play an important role in supporting the holistic development of each individual child. Learning takes place both inside the classroom and in the great outdoors, which is something we have in abundance in Early Years!   

In Reception we use Class Dojo, which is a great tool that both teachers and parents use to share photos and videos of our children playing and learning. We use this to build up a profile of each child in Early Years. You can view your child's portfolio on the Class Dojo app.