Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Educational Experiences

We put a lot of work into enhancing the educational experience for all of our children, sometimes we go out of school and sometimes people come to us.


Here are some of the educational visits and experiences we have enjoyed recently.


 Our Year 6 classes visited Yorkshire Wildlife Park as part of their topic on Evolution.
They had a fantastic time exploring the wildlife park and taking part in a workshop.
Our Year 1 children had a virtual visit from the Postal museum. A great introduction to the Jolly Postman story.
Our Early Years children had a very exciting visit from SMJ Falconry. Children got to see the owls up close, ask questions and even touch some feathers.

Our Year 2 children took a trip to Leeds City Museum and then explored the city. They even got to ride on the wheel of light!

Our Nursery children had a visit from Percy the Park Keeper this morning to launch and bring his story ‘One Snowy Night’ to life.
Year 1 had a very special visit from Barbie who taught them all about toys, past and present.
and Buzz Lightyear showed them the inspiration behind some of their favourite toys.
We received some wonderful feedback from a member of the public regarding our children whilst out on an educational trip. We are so proud of them.

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children had a fantastic morning visiting @CATCHLeeds
. They completed their reading lesson in the wonderful café and then were kindly shown all around the farm, which was great as their current reading book is all about farms!

Year 2 Foxglove went to see Beauty and the Beast at the Carriageworks
Year 2 Foxglove went to see Beauty and the Beast at the Carriageworks